Drug Recall Lawyers El Paso – West Texas

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Carabin Shaw Drug Recall Attorneys

Every prescription drug has a risk of side effects. Common examples include dizziness, dry mouth, headaches, and nausea.

If these side effects are severe enough, they can render a medication more dangerous than beneficial.

When a dangerous prescribed drug is involved, residents of El Paso may experience various degrees of damage, and, in some cases, the results can be fatal.

If you are worried about the side effects of a dangerous medication, call your doctor and one of the Carabin Shaw drug recall lawyers in El Paso.

FDA Drug Recalls

The FDA approves and monitors the distribution of pharmaceuticals to keep high-risk drugs off the market.

When the FDA removes a medication from the market because it is defective or otherwise harmful to the user, it is called a “recall.”

Drug recall examples often include instances where a drug is:

  • Mislabeled
  • Poorly Packaged
  • Improperly manufactured
  • A health hazard
  • Contaminated

If the FDA issued a recall on one of your medications, call the El Paso product liability lawyers of Carabin Shaw for assistance.

Common Side Effects from Bad Drugs

Even as the FDA implements more drug recalls and black box warnings, companies continue to manufacture and distribute unsafe, high-risk pharmaceuticals. FDA drug recalls often occur with blood and heart medications because they are volatile and affect the body’s vital organs and blood circulation.

A drug recall lawyer in El Paso will note the most dangerous side effects fit drug lawsuit examples:

  • Circulatory issues
  • Brain damage
  • Stroke
  • Kidney failure
  • Developmental disorders
  • Liver damage
  • Suicide
  • Wrongful death
  • Birth defects / pregnancy complications

If these side effects sound familiar, we encourage you to speak to your doctor immediately and then call an attorney to start assembling a case.

Filing a Drug Recall Lawsuit

A negligent medicine manufacturer or doctor can cause severe, life-threatening side effects to your body. In these cases, West Texas drug recall lawyers based in El Paso can help you determine who is at fault and what they might owe you.

Most drug recall lawsuits are cases when a poorly made or wrongfully labelled medication causes damage or worsened a condition in an unsuspecting patient. However, a lawyer may also extend the case to physicians who failed to provide adequate information about the severity of the drug’s serious side effects.

West Texas drug recall lawyers can help you pursue compensation for these damages by filing a drug recall lawsuit. Defective drug attorneys can help you compile evidence, prove negligence, and secure financial compensation for damage caused by a medical prescription, including:

  • Hospital bills
  • Job loss
  • Wage loss (time away from work)
  • Pain and suffering
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Our El Paso, Tx Product Liability Lawyers Can Help

At Carabin Shaw, our goal is to help you regain your stability, and our attorneys have an excellent track record of obtaining compensation in all types of personal injury lawsuits.

Personal injury lawyers at our law firm in El Paso encourage you to schedule a free, no-obligation initial consultation. During this appointment, we will get to know your case and answer some questions you may have for us.

Though dealing with legal issues on top of medical ones can be overwhelming, our drug recall lawyers in El Paso can guide you through the process of filing compensatory action against those responsible for your medical issues.

To speak with a lawyer in El Paso, dial 915-779-2301 or call us toll-free at 1-800-862-1260.

Frequently Asked Question

One of the most important elements in a successful El Paso drug injury lawsuit is selecting the right type of litigation. There are three ways that lawsuits may be brought for an injured individual- Individually, as part of Class Action Litigation, and Multi-District Litigation suits.

1) Individual: In this scenario, one person brings their own case to court on behalf of themselves alone against whomever they feel caused them harm – whether it’s someone who sold drugs illegally or negligently used faulty medicines and caused injuries to them;

2) Group Suit: If you’re interested in pursuing legal action but scared about going up against large corporations with deep pockets by yourself then bringing class actions might make more sense because group members can share resources such as attorney fees;

In most cases, we work on a contingency fee. The percentage is 35%-40% and does not change throughout the process. If you do not receive any financial compensation for our hard work, there will be no charge regardless of how much time has been spent on your case by our lawyers.

You’ll never know exactly what your claim is worth, and that’s why you should hire a lawyer.

You can’t rely on insurance representatives to give you the best advice because they are usually not attorneys who have experience with this specific type of case. It would be best if you had someone like an attorney in order to get information about how fair or valuable these types of cases tend to be for juries (and so forth).

Lawyers cannot give you a precise answer about your case worth. They can only estimate based on the experience with similar cases they have seen.

It is important to understand the risks and benefits of a drug before you start taking it. If your doctor warned about potential side effects, but they seem worth it in light of what you are being treated for, then there’s no need to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer. However, if all the possible dangers were not listed on the label or in the instructions for use, then filing a suit might be necessary.

In some cases where drugs have been found dangerous after release into the market – even though warnings existed beforehand on labels – lawsuits may prompt manufacturers to add new information that could prevent an injury from happening again once it is released back.

The case begins with a discovery period. This is when each party exchange information to see which side has the stronger evidence and then argues for their position in front of them. For example, they might exchange witness statements or documents that support your claim against theirs.